Sunday, July 15, 2007

Employer Relations

Steven has a responsibility in our church that requires him to attend meetings before church begins. This means I'm responsible of getting the other 4 members of the family fed, dressed and to church by 9am. Not always easy, but I see it sort of as a challenge. I get this high when I walk in early.

Today I'm grateful for an amazing employer that understands that our religion is very important to us. He is very gracious to us and let's Steven go to church even on weekends that he's on call. Love you, Dr. D*! The relationship Steven has with his boss is a great one in which they both appreciate each other and what the other one brings to 'the business'.

So today I dedicate this blog to Robert D* and how he makes my life easier.


Angela said...

I am impressed at your attitude and ability to meet the challenge of getting everyone to church on time... way to go! I'm glad Steven has such an understanding employer, it makes life so much easier...

Emma said...

That is fabulous! I only wish that could happen for us. Although we have been blessed so far. Aaron will miss his first Sunday this week.

Anonymous said...

Wish you were still here to motivate me! I don't think I've been early to church in my life.

John said...

ix nay on the purplestay

Mindy said...

You didn't think green would last forever, did you?

Jodie Haney said...


Julianne said...

I love that you can do it - I can't make it by 11 and am about to have five to get ready - and starting in January it will be a 9 am start time - YIKES!

Lori said...

That is wonderful that his employer is so understanding! As far as getting to church I relate! Cory has early meetings and I have three kids to get ready and be there early to play the organ! It is a high to know I can do it every week. I just hope I can keep it up when I am not forced to be there early to play!

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