My good friend (really she's only an acquaintance, but I can call her my good friend if I want to), Leah just made a pet peeves list. I've done my own pet peeves list in the past, but as my winter pessimism is coming to its climax, I thought I'd throw a couple out there regarding shoes.First of all, if your older than ten and not a nurse, a sailor, or a professional gardener, you shouldn't own Crocs. They are hideous. I really don't mean to offend, but you might as well be wearing jelly shoes. Not attractive. Nothing about them is flattering; the spastic colors and the shape (really did you want your feet to look like a hobbit's?) make me cringe every time I see someone in them. On children, it's one thing, but you're an adult, wear adult shoes. My friends have even seen an adult man where them to church. AUGH!
Which brings me to my second shoe pet peeve. Whatever happened to "Sunday best" wear? I don't care if you live in the Bahamas, don't where flip flops to church (and puh-lease don't wear Crocs!). Its okay to look decent when one goes to worship their Savior and (or) God. Dress up. It's entirely inappropriate not to. I'd rather see mis-matched leathers or black and navy together than sloppy flip flops. Again, don't mean to offend.
I think that's all.
Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. STOP WEARING SOCKS WITH YOUR SANDALS! That's the point of sandals, duh! It's like me having to tell you not to cut your hair into a mullet. It just shouldn't have to be explained.
Do you disagree with mine?
amen sista. totally agree. i can't stand seeing a 55 year old woman in flip flops at church. number one, who wants to see your yucky feet, number two, you are totally wasting three hours that you could be wearing rockin, sexy shoes.
one more thing, we're considering a possible move to your neck of the woods. would you send me an email with your email address and phone number? I'd love to talk to you about your part o' texas.
thanks mindy!
Agree! Agree! Agree!
Thanks for voicing what I'm too wimpy to voice.
I agree with the crocks and for the most part I agree with the no-flip-flops at church thing. I'd just add the exception that when you are pregnant and your feet are 10x their regular size, you can pretty much wear anything you want or anything you can smash your feet into. I wore flip-flops to church at the end since even my lose fitting dress shoes (the ones I bought for pregnancy) were too small! Other than that, you're right on!
Mindy we totally agree with you! Tim and I HATE crocs!!!!!! All of my friends have them in every color. It has gotten to the point where Tim's not shy to tell them how hideous they are to their face!
You have way more pet peeves than just this Mindy. Post some more!
totally hear you on the flip flops in church - SO bad.
oh, and jay wears a pair of orange crocs to work every day - they are a lot easier to wash off the blood than any other shoe and are super comfy for his anesthesia doc feet, apparently. but then, i guess he fits in the same sub category as nurses ... though don't tell him that. :D
I agree with all three. Although I do own a pair of crocs as does Jadeyn. I do not wear them much, they were a gift and do not even fit, but I do own. (Please still be my friend) Flip flops at church drive me bonkers. We have even been advised not too. What aren't people getting here? Socks+Sandals= crazy guys at BYU. Enough said.
Oh and do you by chance keep in touch with Kari P or Cindy B? I have been thinking about them.
You make me laugh, Mindy. "I really don't mean to offend..." but you're stupid and ridiculous for wearing those shoes! I know you didn't say that! But...
Oh, and don't worry! I am not offended! I don't own crocs. I've never tried them on, but I've heard they are extremely comfortable. So I can understand the comfort appeal, but I agree, those shoes are ugly (but I admit that I go for comfort over looks the majority of my days).
You make me laugh! I totally agree with all of your shoe pet peeves! And no, I don't own Crocs!
oh hello, amen to the crocs!! and tot he no socks with sandals AND YES! no flip flops to church. I CRINGE everytime I see that. It's a problem with our Young Women...or at least it was until I got my hands on those girls! lol
I have NEVER understood crocs either. I think they look cute on kids, but adults?? Although, bright, fluorescent orange and green could go with a lot of things! :)
Hey! Lay off the mulletts. You wouldn't understand because you were wearing diapers when mulletts were the hottest hair trend since wearing one sparkling glove.
So now I am offended and I am going to put on one croc and one flip flop to attend the temple.
You shouldn't have pushed me.
Apparently I'm going to hell because I've not only been guilty of wearing flip flops to church, but I actually think crocs are okay! Sure, they're not the most flattering shoe, and some of the color options are rather obnoxious, but they feel great on your feet and something about them being so different kind of appeals to me.
My mom lives in her crocs because they are some of the only shoes that she can still wear comfortably with her rheumatoid arthritis.
There's my two cents. Hopefully I don't get any threats since I seem to be the minority here. :)
YAY, VALERI! I'm so glad you voiced a different opinion (Brian doesn't count).
As for the comfort of crocs, that's why I included "nurses". I think most of them wear them for comfort reasons - and, as Natalie commented, they clean-up nicely.
I would like to add a shoe pet peeve if I could. On the subject of YW at church, I also detest the big "Vans" skater tennis shoes that are worn with the laces untied. Haven't found a dress yet that looks good with this. As for the crocs, I especially like them with the fun accessories you can snap into the holes. Ugh! :)
That other Leah is a lot better writter then me!!!
hi mindy! well guess what.... I'm guilty. I love my black crocs! they are easy to put on.... easy to take off.... and they are comfy..... I can walk really fast or even run if I'm in a hurry...(most often the case). but i only wear them if i'm in casual dress, or even going to the park or whatever. but on the other hand I agree with all the other stuff you said! They really are an interesting shoe aren't they!!! but just so you know... I'm sticking with my black ones!
I definitely agree with the socks/sandals. The crocs-- I must admit I've been tempted to purchase especially when I'm walking around practically bleeding in the "cool sexy" shoes that boost my ego and destroy my feet. And I have been guilty of flip flops in church...but I do at least make sure my toenails are properly painted and I have a toe ring so they are practically Egyptian looking anyway. I could totally be Old Testament. :-)
What about people who wear tall socks, scrunched down, with shorts and pale legs?
I happen to wear socks WITH my flip flops and crocs. They don't make those toes separator socks for nothin'.
I did the flip flop thing while I was pregnant with Coleton - not because I was swollen but because my feet itched and heat made it worse and I would have rather gone barefoot in the snow than wear regular shoes. I even carried ice packs with me to church. Sometimes I stayed home to sit in a bath of cold water with ice cubes dumped in it. (this intense itching is common symptom of Hodgkins Lymphoma and about 1000 other things too) I now have a beautiful pair of dress shoes I can slip my feet out of easily now that I can stand to wear nylons again. I like pretty shoes!
Amen, girl.
Crocs are great for kids though. Love them in the summer time!
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