Steven's walking around in a tizzy, saying things like, "what does this mean?" and "who gets the delegate votes if so-and-so drops out?" While I continuously tell him, "calm down, there's nothing you can do about any of this."
Tonight Mitt took 4th in South Carolina. We've been known to pay close attention to presidential elections in the past, but now that we have someone in the running representing our faith, we seem a little more glued to cnn.
So I'm throwing out a dirty little idea out to my LDS readers:Throughout this campaign there's been a lot of media discussion about leaving religion out of the picture when you go to the polls to vote. (If you don't know about this, move on to a different blog.) While you hear in the distance, members of the church saying, "Ya, why should it matter? Religious freedom is what founded this country!"
But may I venture a guess that you may be voting for Romney merely because he's mormon?
Is there a difference?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Mitt Takes 4th
Written by Mindy at 9:20 PM
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I was skeptical to jump on the "Mitt-08" Band wagon and decided to do some reading and listening before proceeding to do so. Not until recently did I really feel like he was/is the best candidate for President. After watching some of the debates and the childish jabs and cackling of the other delegates, I am really turned off. I feel like Mitt has a good understanding of government, has a good record for making policies and balancing the budgets and I think the fact that he is Mormon is an added bonus. I think his experience as a business man is a good asset as president. But, the way I see it, it's in God's hands. People are still to prejudiced against The Church, but it's up to Him, ultimately.
I serisouly thought that so much when this all started. I did EXTRA research on it all because I didn't want to just be for him because he is LDS. But honestly after it all, I fully support him WAY WAY WAY over EVERY ONE else!
I'm not going to vote for a person just because they are LDS. Like others have already said, the decision should be based on their politics. Obviously a person's religion is going to impact their politics, but simply because Mitt is LDS doesn't mean I'll vote for him.
I would provide a comment but since this is only for the LDS readers, I have once again been excluded from "the" Church.
Every time I take one of the online quizzes "which candidate matches your views", Mitt comes up on top. McCain is a close second... For a while, yes, I just wanted him to get some kind of support because of his faith (without thinking he'd really get the job BECAUSE of his faith), but now, after researching and thinking about what is important to me, I really do believe he is the best candidate for me.
Slow and steady wins the race....I think he'll come out on top in the end.
I could just ditto Tara's comment. At first I was a little more impressed with Huckabee, but after really researching the issue I am convinced Romney is the best candidate. He's not perfect, but he is head and shoulders above the others. (And it is kind of cool that he is Mormon.)
I am about 1/2 and 1/2. I like that I can trust him. I like his values, but I needed to make sure his politics were in line with my views. They are about as much as all the other guys. SO, since I disagree and agree a little with all the candidates...I'll go with the one I trust the most. So, GO MIT!
What? Are you trying to tick everyone off? Especially John? John, comment all you want. Or, join the church so you can comment freely... *snicker*.
Voting for someone because they are a Mormon is ridiculous. I know a number of people who are Mormon who would run our country into the ground in one weekend. I'm even on my own list on this one.
That said, being Mormon has made, in part, Romney who he is. And who he "is" has quite a bit to do with the type of President he would be. Voting for Clinton because she is a woman would be equally dumb. But being a woman is part of who Clinton is (obviously). Voting for Huckabee because he has a cool last name is just...well, I digress.
Anyhow. Pick someone who will fix the economy and make it quick.
BTW, that's Romney. The Mormon...he is the best candidate because as a bishop he had to produce a budget each year to turn into the Stake President. See...
John-- you can comment! Would you vote for Romney given that he's mormon?!
No, I wouldn't vote for Harry Reid, and he's LDS. ;)
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