Steven and I made a long trip out to Albuquerque; our first stop on a two day journey to northern Utah. We decided to take the route that lead us through NM instead of OK KS & CO just in case weather decided to get ugly and we couldn't make it over the Rockies.
Needless to say the trip is boring - actually to the point of tedium. So we concocted a little social experiment as we were driving through west Texas. We thought it would be interesting to pull over after a long stretch of nothingness and just a mile and half before a gas station and feign being out of gasoline. We wanted to see how long it took for anyone to stop.
Once we stopped we called AAA to see how long it would be before they could come help they said it would be just over an hour (we had to make the experiment realistic - most people have access to a cell phone and would call for help). Then we waited to see if some sweet Samaritan would beat them.
We all got out of the car. We ate a few of our snacks. We tried to keep the kids out of surrounding cacti. We had awkward bathroom breaks. And we waited.
15 minutes have passed.
A half and hour has passed.
50 minutes after we stop, someone finally pulls over in with their motor home. He and his son get out and tell us they can pull us to the next town. Steven explains to them that we've already called for help and not to worry about us; someone would be here shortly. He also explained to him that he is the first person in almost an hour to stop and even ask if we're okay. Our Samaritan tells us, "I saw the kids and you just have to stop if little ones are involved."
What in the world was wrong with the other thousand cars that drove by us in that hour? I was a little disappointed in humanity.
Oh, and if you haven't already figured it out, there was no feigning. There really is nothing in all of west Texas. You can't tell yourself, "we'll get gasoline just around the next corner." Because there is no gasoline. For a really long time.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Social Experiment
Written by Mindy at 8:56 AM 9 Words of Wisdom
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Recital
It was quite the event. In fact, you all truly missed out on an exceptional display of musical talent. I swear I'm not biased.
First of all, every single one of the students looked adorable (except, of course, Jesse, he looked, um, awesome or tough or something else a 14-year-old would rather be called). I required them to be in dressy attire. I also spoke to them about recital manners (ie: no talking, no shuffling of papers, don't even breathe if you can help it - during a performance. Oh, and no gum....that's just tacky) and how we treat others how we would like to be treated while we played our piece(s). Then I told them to go home and tell their families. I can't stand rude audience members (also, why I hate the movie theater - another blog for later).
Secondly, they all did an AMAZING job.
For the record:
Sorry about the pics. I still need to get some from Angela (thanks again for letting us use your home!) because Steven was holding a wiggly Olivia and our pictures turned out a little fuzzy. Also, the reason for no picture for Steven.
But he was adorable, too.
Written by Mindy at 8:40 AM 3 Words of Wisdom
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sample Lady
I think I've been screwed by the sample lady one too many times.
Every time I get home from the store with that amazing sweet and sour pork or that delectable sausage it seems that I either
A) can't cook it properly (because I don't have a mini grill/mini oven/mini steamer like they do in the store) or
B) I can't stand more than one bite of said sample.
Which makes me think: would I like the food as much if I had a plateful at the store? Is this why they only give out samples on those flimsy toothpicks? (which, by the way, can and do give splinters!)
It also makes me realize what a sucker I am for suggestive sales and impulse buys. Thanks a lot, Dad.
...maybe if we ate dinner with toothpicks or out of 2 oz cups.....
Written by Mindy at 7:40 AM 4 Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Santa Claus Look Alike
I've been getting tapped on the shoulder, "pssssst"ed at, and emailed.
People are wondering about the upcoming contest. You know, the contest to make us de-Santa-fy. While a few of us have facial hair, we're a gladly avoiding this subject (buy yourself some good tweezers for Christmas!). This is more about the mid-section part of Santa we're trying to get rid of.
So people, start spreading the word. But keep in mind that while this is an "on your honor" contest, be sure to spread the word to honorable people. It's your money we're talking about.
We've upped the anty to $40.
You're NOT in the contest UNTIL I get your money.
First weigh-in is January 5th.
You can't join after January 30th.
(other rules 12 weeks, no surgeries, weekly weigh-ins, aliases.....)
email me here: mickmonkeys[at]gmail[dot]com and I'll send you my address for payment
If you need an explanation, we're doing THIS again.
Written by Mindy at 8:03 AM 11 Words of Wisdom
Friday, December 12, 2008
No Internet
I went for an entire week without the internet.
Not because I'm some crazy radical anti-internet person, but because I was playing with my circuit breaker box trying to figure out our Christmas lights and flipped one too many breakers and fried my modem.
Now I have to decide what to blog about. There are just so many things....
Written by Mindy at 12:05 PM 0 Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Steven and I signed another year on our lease.
While swear words swam around in my head, I still felt like we were making a good decision. And though I feel a bit like someone who announced that she thought she was pregnant before she even checked, I'm here to announce to everyone at all at once (because no one wants to re-visit semi-depressing news) I'm not expecting a house (or a baby - just to be clear) any time soon.
to my neighbors: sorry, you're not rid of us.
to my bank: your welcome, you get to keep our money.
to my friends: thanks, for not becoming totally annoyed with us and all of our questions amidst all of this (or at least thanks for not showing it).
to my readers: you'll be reading from me more. All my extra energy was spent on hunting. Sorry lots of it will be catch up from missed events.
to my husband: happy shopping! Yes, we have to make this house more livable for the next year and that means I get new furniture.
Written by Mindy at 2:36 PM 3 Words of Wisdom
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I paid $1.73 for a gallon of gasoline today.
I think I cried a little bit.
Written by Mindy at 7:42 PM 7 Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Can I just tell you about my day?
No? Too bad.
6:20 am - hit snooze 3 more times.
6:30 am - beg Steven to go wake up Bradley while I get dressed and rub the sleep out of my eyes.
7:00 am - send the men off to fulfill their daily duties.
7:02 am - feed the chief (Olivia).
7:30 am - clean that mess up. Or not.
7:45 am - find out that Emmy doesn't want to go to school because her tummy is still upset.
8:00 am - get Olivia dressed, and make a bed or two. Or none. This is a confessional after all.
It is at this precise moment that I realize what the rest of my day is going to be like. So to save you minute by [obnoxious] minute detail of my day, I will quickly say that I had 7 special orders to fill from last weekends craft fair (different blog - maybe tomorrow), cards to make for tonight's card club, and a house to clean for my VTs to come over at 11:45 - even though it ended up really being at 1:10.
No, no. That's not the fun part. I had piano lessons to teach from 3:30 to 5 and Bradley had to be at his soccer team's party at 6pm (he was getting his trophy and he would have punched me in the mouth had I told him we couldn't go). My card club was meeting at 7pm (at Chuy's - duh, you go to anything when it's at Chuy's) and my book club was due to meet at 8pm (and I actually had read the book this month!).
Well, sure, that's a busy night and all, but just leave Ste with the kids and make your rounds. Oh ya, Steven had plans with the fellas at 8pm.
I had the audacity to think I was going to be able to do it all.
(Just a sidenote: these sort of days have been happening for two weeks. I won't even get into what my tomorrow looks like. What's wrong with me?)
I was a bit frantic on the phone when Steven called at 2:03. He could tell by the pitch of my voice. (I also think he could hear my arms flailing about and my eyes bulging out of my head - I don't know how, but he can hear those things.) He laughed a little and said, "It's pronounced, 'nnnnoooooooo,'" as if I were hard of hearing. He thinks I don't know how to say "no" to people. I totally know how to say no! I just don't want to. I really wanted to do all of those things tonight. And I really wanted Steven to do his thing tonight.
That didn't happen.
So to my friends that I sadly missed at Chuy's, you'll be getting your cards this weekend. After I've slept for 12 hours straight. Mostly because my eye is twitching out of control.
BTW, (picture me with my hands on my hips) I was a student advocate for the D.A.R.E. program my senior year. I totally know how to say "NO" to some stuff.
So, hmph. (I just stuck my toungue out at you)
What experience made you learn your lesson?
Written by Mindy at 10:24 PM 9 Words of Wisdom
Monday, November 17, 2008
Olivia found my toothbrush.
Not laughing as hard.
Written by Mindy at 9:16 AM 2 Words of Wisdom
Friday, November 14, 2008
Olivia's down with a little stomach bug.
I'm trying my hardest not to laugh.
No, I'm not a bad person (not always), but if you've ever had the opportunity to be witness to someone's first time that their stomach betrays them,
it's hilarious.
At 4am, Steven found her in her crib all gooed up. After a quick clean-up and a change of sheets, I cuddled with her on the couch waiting for the next round of it (there's always a next round).
When it came, she looked at me like I had taken her stuffed puppy and lit it on fire. Her eyes questioned, "but why?" and she looked around the room like she was confused and disappointed in humanity.
Oh, and she's really cuddly. Which is even better.
I can lose the 5 lbs I've gained since the contest.
Written by Mindy at 8:31 AM 5 Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When it comes to buying a house,
Don't know if I'll hate his family or want to kill his mother
He might be high maintenance, or worse yet, snore
I could get out of it, but divorce is always messy
I'm hopeful, nervous and excited all at once.
Which causes me to throw up - but somehow not lose any weight.
Written by Mindy at 3:03 PM 6 Words of Wisdom
Monday, November 10, 2008
Blog Relationship
This is definitely our worst fight yet.
My blog and I haven't been speaking for some time now. And while I've actually updated my recipe blog, I just can't seem to open up to this one.
I'm stuck.
I've thought about writing about my hive outbreak that happened on Saturday.
Not pretty.
And even less pretty to look at than it is to read about.
I've thought about writing about how I've had to take sleep aid a couple of times a week because my busy mind ONLY thinks about which house (if any) to buy and this keeps me up at night. But then I will need to go and stress-eat to make myself feel better.
I've thought about writing about two new additions to our family in the last three weeks: Benjamin and Maxwell. But when you write about cute new babies, you need cute new pics to accompany it. And I don't have any from Mr. Maxwell (we're praying for you little M).
I've thought about writing about how I think Bradley's Principal is a selfish idiot. But that's just not nice, so I won't.
I could write about what I think of the outcome of the election, but we all know what happened when I wrote (actually when YOU wrote) about the candidates before the election. And I prefer to stick to everyone else writing about it.
I've thought about writing about all the stuff I have going on this week (an enrichment class to teach, a pampered chef party, a three day craft show, two soccer games, and a partridge in a pear tree).
But then I get stressed and think about all the things I need to do to get ready for said things.
Speaking of which, I better go.
Written by Mindy at 10:24 AM 6 Words of Wisdom
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Okay, so maybe that's not a word.
We have rules at our house; rules about hitting (or not), rules about playing on the furniture (or not), rules about what television shows we can watch (or not - I'll stop doing that), rules about what words we can use, rules about where we sleep (long story for a later blog)....your getting the idea.
We also have rules about eating.
The rule is: at dinner you have to try it. However, if you want something else to eat (yes, I'm willing to allow that) you have to eat as many bites as you are old (ie: Bradley has to eat 6 bites if he want PB&J instead).
I know it sounds complicated, but my kids get it.
Now let me clarify something; to try it simply means: stick it in your mouth, chew for a second, and, if necessary, spit it out. You don't even have to swallow it! But before you get another meal (whether today or tomorrow), you HAVE TO TRY IT.
So, about once a month Emmy decides she's unwilling to try it. This means she goes to bed without food (I'm not a force feeder - though I may fantasize kneeling on her chest to get a piece of chicken -- really good chicken might I add -- past her clenched teeth).
Emmy can't go too long without food or else she gets nauseated. I'm not sure if the bile in her stomach builds up or what, but by 10 am the following morning, she's kneeling next to the throne.
Before you call CPS, I need to declare that I'm a fan of Love & Logic. What am I doing wrong here? I feel like I'm borderline abusing my child as she misses school because she refuses to eat for 18 hours.
I don't dare talk to my mom about this. I can't bear hearing, "What goes around...." or "The apple sure doesn't fall far". (Though out of my mom's mouth it would sound more like "Don't count the apples falling when you bark up the wrong tree." She struggles with cliche's. Love you, Marmee.)
Once I'm guilt ridden and Emmy's too weak to stand or hold up a cup of water, I cave and give her crackers and some gatorade.
Is everyone else's child insistent on chicken nuggets, pizza and peanut butter sandwiches?
Now do you see the need for stubbornessest, Webster?
Written by Mindy at 7:33 AM 14 Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Declare Yourself
This year, most of us are having what I like to call "Voter's Dilemma".
First of all, does dilemma looks like its spelled wrong? Because it totally looks spelt rong 2 mee.
Secondly, I'm curious as to who you're voting for and why?
I'm also hoping you can explain yourself in a mere few words. No pressure.
Written by Mindy at 8:22 AM 24 Words of Wisdom
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Ghost is Gone
Yesterday morning at 5 am-ish I awoke to someone playing a single note on the piano. Hindsight tells me it was all in my head - at least mostly in my head because everyone else slept through it (that being said, I have piano lessons in the morning on Tuesdays and they sleep through that, too). Steven finally stirred - probably because I was staring down at him until he woke up - and I made him go check it out.
"The piano's closed," he simply stated.
I rarely close my piano.
So it wasn't a huge consolation.
I had two nightmares about someone being in my house for the next hour until I awoke to get Bradley ready for school.
Luckily, Emmy had a book fair and I had a Pampered Chef party keeping me out of the house most of the morning. I just felt yicky all day long - I had that ominous feeeling like someone was in my house. I kept hearing things - mostly coming from the master bathroom. Like I said, Yicky.
Bradley and Emmy were done with school and Bradley went over to the neighbor's house while the ladies and I were having a quick snack. Then Emmy and I hear a crash from upstairs. Stupidly I yell out "HELLO?!"
Like someone's going to answer.
I grabbed Olivia and Emmy and we retrieved my neighbor.
He and I went through the entirety of my house together (thanks, Roarke!) - no one to be found (thought I still walked around the rest of the day with pepper spray in my pocket). He left and Emmy and I went back to our snack and we hear two more footsteps from the bathroom.
"Why don't we play outside for a while." I say after cursing under my breath.
I have a freaking ghost.
I had piano lessons with two students later that afternoon. I almost asked the parents stay, but I felt too stupid to ask them. And what do you know, one of them heard it, too. I heard some weird bump, thump, or thud (they're all different!) at least 15 times yesterday.
All that being said, Steven humored me last night and offered a prayer on our (my) behalf.
And today, I haven't heard from my ghost, ... yet.
And, yes, yicky is now a word.
Written by Mindy at 8:17 AM 7 Words of Wisdom
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
And the LOSERS are... order of achievement..... as well as how they did it.
- Fluffly LaRou (South Beach & Teaching 1st Grade)
- Clicky Vicky (Wii Fit & Calorie Counting)
- Aces (Nutrisystem)
- Twinkle Toes (Diet & Exercise - circuit classes/trainer)
- Mama Cass (South Beach & Exercise - and a last minute colon cleansing)
- Priceless Pounds (she hasnt' told me I'm guessing Diet & Exercise?....hmmm, she might have to correct me)
Congratulations, ladies. Treat yourself to a new pair of jeans with your winnings.
Anyone up for another contest in the new year? From Jan 5th - Mar 30th???
I'd begin another one now but dieting over the holiday season is a drag.
If you don't know what this entry is about, it all began back here.
Written by Mindy at 6:04 AM 5 Words of Wisdom
Sunday, October 05, 2008
I absolutely love magazines.
If you saw my monthly subscriptions laid out on a coffee table, you'd feel like you were at the dentist.
Thanks to my mamas as well as some healthy self-splurging, right now I have a subscription to:
Family Fun,
Consumer Reports (thanks mama Kay),
The Ensign,
Light Cooking,
Real Simple (thanks mama Ruth),
The Friend,
Parents (yes, a second parenting mag)
& a myriad of catalogues that don't technically count as magazines, but I look forward to all the same (ie: pottery barn, j.crew). What's worse is that we used to get Creating Keepsakes, Time, House & Garden, Golf Digest, Newsweek, Better Homes & Gardens, Money......I'm feeling awkward.
But here's the thing.
All I really want is trashy gossip magazines like People or Us.
Is that weird?
Written by Mindy at 8:05 PM 11 Words of Wisdom
Friday, October 03, 2008
Miss Ariel's Locks
Tonight was the night she got to strut her stuff at half time. Congrats ARIEL!
Written by Mindy at 11:05 PM 7 Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Car Troubles
Most of you know we've been looking for a house. We didn't (and still don't) think we'll be financially ready until January (meaning, we don't quite have our down payment yet).
But any idiot can recognize that now is an opportune time to buy a home. With interest rates where they are and builders desperate to sell, one just can't go wrong.
I went wrong.
On Saturday, I decided it would be funny to rear-end someone. It didn't turn out nearly as funny as I had thought. Don't try it. It may just damage your car more than the lady's you hit.
I'll back pedal for a moment so you can learn that I'm driving the older of our two cars (for which we are forever grateful to Papa & Mama Mick) because the "newer" ('96) doesn't have any A/C and hasn't for about 6 months. So Steven was chivalrous and gallantly traded cars with us (the monkeys and myself). So now we're driving the Corolla ('93) and while fitting 3 car seats in the backseat is a great workout and a wonderful way to get out aggression, we actually don't mind it too much.
But no, if that were all, this post would be boring. The tale doesn't end there. Last night at Steven's presidency meeting, his car wouldn't start. This morning after charging Steven's car battery all night (thanks to Ryan J*), his car still isn't starting. ARGH!
Are we going to have to wait another year for a home and spend our stupid, pathetic savings on a car?
I want to throw up.
Written by Mindy at 9:08 AM 9 Words of Wisdom
Friday, September 19, 2008
Mormon Culture
Bradley had an assignment at school that required him to name leaders - both local and national.
On the second page he listed the mayor of our city: Alan M*
(both not shown for reasons of privacy)
The third is seen here.

It's hard to see but his teacher made any spelling corrections in green.
Now, it's this next page that had me giggling uncontrollably.
Written by Mindy at 12:33 PM 6 Words of Wisdom
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wanna Park?
Why do I search out the closest parking spot when I go to the gym?
Is something inherently wrong with me?
Don't answer that. Instead answer this:
Written by Mindy at 10:15 AM 0 Words of Wisdom
Monday, September 15, 2008
Emmy's Version
Written by Mindy at 10:38 PM 7 Words of Wisdom
Friday, September 12, 2008
Letter From School
The following letter was sent home on Friday:
Dear Parent,
A Child at * * Elementary has been diagnosed as having Pertussis (also known as whooping cough). Please see the attached Fact Sheet from the Texas Department of Health for information regarding Pertussis symptoms, treatment and prevention.
Thank You,
Pam *, RN
School Nurse.
There aren't many topics that I feel completely sure about, but immunizations is one of them.
Let me also make it clear that I've written and re-written this post about 7 times. I can't seem to make it unbiased or, let's face it, non-violent. So I leave it to you to write this post. Please comment on the following:
Written by Mindy at 3:58 PM 19 Words of Wisdom
Let Me Tell You Why I Hate Buffets long as we're on the subject.
- "Buffet" is a stupid word. Who uses silent "T"s anyway?
- Most restaurants that offer one are usually named after something that makes me feel like I'll be eating out of a trough if I go there. ie: Golden Corral or Chuck-a-Rama (are you kidding me?!)
- I don't feel like getting hepatitis-A today.
- If I want to get my money's worth, I feel like I have to eat my weight in meatloaf.
- There are usually people there that CAN eat their weight in meatloaf...and I just don't want to watch.
- The 312 people in front of me sneezed and coughed all over my food.
- 57 kids already taste-tested it for me...then spit out and put back what they didn't like.
- Really, how long have those potatoes been sitting there?
Written by Mindy at 6:29 AM 6 Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Top 10 Reasons Why I Need a NEW High Chair
#10 My dining room table is slowly being destroyed.
#9 I like new things.
#8 This one's just not cushy.
#7 I've yet to find a efficient way to mop.
#6 I'm tired of walking through my dining and kitchen and getting crumbs stuck to my feet. I have to wipe my feet off on the other leg (you totally know what I'm talking about!).
#5 I think Olivia's hair will simmer down (I don't really know how, I just had to think of a #5)
#4 My back is declining to sweep it up, AGAIN.
#3 The little booger can climb out of it!
#2 Steven says we don't need one.
#1 This is getting gross (and yes, that's banana - among other things - that you can see)
Written by Mindy at 9:00 AM 8 Words of Wisdom
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Emmy's 1st Day of Pre-K
Yes, there is, in fact, a distinction between preschool and pre-k. Ahem!
Pre-k is obviously short for Pre-KINDERGARTEN! Thus illustrating the fact that kindergarten is next and she is a mature, young woman ready for life. Preschool is simply a distinction for babies.
This is what Emmy informed me of when I told someone she was attending a nearby preschool.
Sheeesh! Can't wait 'til that girl is 16!

It was a little awkward.
How did you handle it?
Are you missing them like crazy?
or are you shouting words like
"I showered today before noon!"
from your front porch?
Please share. I need some therapy.
Written by Mindy at 7:15 PM 11 Words of Wisdom
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Bradley's 1st Day of 1st
Written by Mindy at 7:31 PM 0 Words of Wisdom
Friday, September 05, 2008
Labor Day
...anything but.


and keeping Olivia from going overboard.



Julie, Me, [the back of] Emmy, Beth, Jenny.
Written by Mindy at 10:30 AM 4 Words of Wisdom